

Breaking the Silence (BTS) is a Non-Profit Organization established and run by a group of compassionate activists committed to combat Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) in Bangladesh. It has been working since 1994 throughout the country to address CSA issues from community to government level. Child Sexual Abuse is a crucial problem with less exposure in the context of Bangladesh. Children from every level of the society are threatened with the possibility of being sexually abused by different kinds of abusers, familiar or stranger, man or woman. To combat this has never been easy due to the taboo of sexuality and unlikely manner of exposure.


Breaking the Silence has come up with comprehensive and culturally appropriate program for combating this critical foe. Intensive case studies were conducted to explore the nature of this odd. A community based system was developed which contains the provisions of knowledge and skill development as well as complaint and response mechanism. Window Method is a unique tool BTS uses to make the children and adult aware and informed regarding sexual abuse and gender based violence without aggravating uncomfortable feelings.

Objectives of the window method based program
  • Building knowledge of children on child rights and child protection
  • Empowering children with the skill of self-protection
  • Breaking the taboo of SGBV issues and building skill of positive communication on this

Window Method

Window Method gives a unique process of engaging children in spontaneous exploration of the facts of child sexual abuse and the ways of protection. In window method based sessions, children work in groups, share their experiences, and identify their problems and solutions. The first step of window method is to initiate discussion about general experiences then gradually progressing towards sharing other specific experiences on CSA. The sensitive issues are not put forward abruptly. Rather explained step by step, impersonally to the children, such continuous sessions allow participants to become aware and sensitized about SGBV. At one point, they themselves talk about ‘sexual’ abuse they face. The discussions revolving around specific experiences help the children develop a clearer perception on the issues of SGBV. Child sexual abuse is a very carefully unspoken truth of children’s lives. Window method makes the children gradually comfortable to speak out even the deepest trauma they endure. It’s like opening one after another window of one’s mind. Sudden opening of all windows makes one very uncomfortable with huge light which is avoided in this method. It prepares mind in one stage to reach the next.

Window method makes the children gradually comfortable to speak out even the deepest trauma they endure. It’s like opening one after another window of one’s mind. Sudden opening of all windows makes one very uncomfortable with huge light which is avoided in this method. It prepares mind in one stage to reach the next.

Usually, the window method programs span for 3 to 6 months. In addition, follow-up sessions are also carried out to resolve any problem faced by the children. While the sessions are over, the trained facilitator in each community / school take responsibility to follow up the sessions later on. Along with this, such awareness programs are also conducted among the guardians/parents of the students. Subsequently, the children and guardians, of a particular area take on responsibility of conducting such programmes on their own in future.