Who we are

Breaking the Silence (BTS) is a Child Rights based organization established by a committed group of activist to combat sexual abuse of children in Bangladesh since 1994. Child sexual abuse is a very delicate issue in the Bangladeshi context with a very less exposure, but it is probably the most traumatizing event a child had ever experiences. This activist group has initiated an issue to address which directly or indirectly affecting many children in our society in a very subtle manner.

Information Education Communication (IEC) Materials

শিশুর বানিজ্যিক যৌন শোষণ মুক্ত বাংলাদেশ গড়ি। শিশুর বানিজ্যিক যৌন শোষণ প্রতিরোধে সোচ্চার হই।

Window Method

Window Method gives a unique process of engaging children in spontaneous exploration of the facts of child sexual abuse and the ways of protection. In window method based sessions, children work in groups, share their experiences, and identify their problems and solutions. The first step of window method is to initiate discussion about general experiences then gradually progressing towards sharing other specific experiences on CSA. The sensitive issues are not put forward abruptly. Rather explained step by step, impersonally to the children, such continuous sessions allow participants to become aware and sensitized about SGBV.

এসো সবাই শপথ করি
বাল্য বিবাহ প্রতিরোধ করি
মেয়েদের জীবনকথা নতুন করে গড়ি

Our Development Partners
